Board Information
The Board of Education of Wallace School District #393 welcomes you to its meetings. All meetings are open to the public so that citizens may have the benefit of hearing board deliberations. All formal action by the Board of Education takes place during public meetings. Executive (private) sessions may be held to discuss personnel matters, the purchase or sale of property for competitive bidding, disputes involving court action, negotiations with employees and certain school security matters.
The Board of Education is an elected body that is responsible for creating, adapting, monitoring, evaluating and revising policies which govern the school district. It also provides direction to the superintendent. In addition to policy making, the Board of Education shall fulfill its role by:
Identifying shared values and creating a shared vision of the purpose of public education.
Engage the ownership (residents of the Wallace School District) in an on-going dialogue to educate and gain a commitment to the shared vision of school improvement.
Empowering the Superintendent to develop and implement strategies to realize the shared vision.
Ensuring all school district policies, procedures and programs are continually assessed against the shared vision.
Hiring the Superintendent of Schools.
Annually appraising the collective performance of the Board.
Committing to self-development regarding educational issues.
Board Meetings
The Board meets at 6:00 PM the second Monday of each month in the library at Silver Hills Elementary School. All regular meeting dates are posted on this website and on the doors of the schools and the superintendent's office. Changes to meetings and other special meetings are also posted in these locations as well as on this website. Confirmation of meeting dates and times available by calling the school district office at (208) 753-4515.
A copy of the meeting agenda is available on the information table near the entrance to the meeting room. Board members are not paid for the meetings they attend. Board members may be reimbursed for expenses incurred for approved board related activities.
Public Comment
The Board of Trustees encourages all citizens of the District to express their ideas and concerns. Any complaint about the District, including instruction, discipline, District personnel policy, procedure or curriculum, should be referred through proper administrative channels before it is presented to the Board.
All complaints should be resolved through proper channels in the following order:
Teacher or Staff
Principal or Supervisor
Director or Administrator
Board of Trustees
If these channels have been exhausted and a patron still wishes to address the Board a "Request to Address the Board" (4105F) must be filled out prior to the board meeting. Completed forms may be submitted electronically through this website, delivered to the Wallace School District Office at 501 Western Ave., Silverton, ID 83867 or emailed to the District Clerk at
Written materials for Board Members must be submitted to the Board Clerk to include the name, address, and telephone number of the person submitting it. A copy of the materials will be forwarded to Board Members if received by noon the Friday preceding the Board meeting. Please do not send directly to Board Members.
The time allotted for public comment will not exceed 15 minutes unless specifically requested. Public participation will be limited to the time allotted on the agenda. Each speaker will be limited to 2-3 minutes and will only cover matters scheduled on the agenda. Should a large number of members of the public wish to speak on the same issue or topic, they are encouraged to select one or more representatives to summarize their position. The Board may decline to hear repetitive comments if the individual has previously addressed the Board on the same subject within the past two months.
Because of the diversity of issues members of the Board will not respond to public comment. Instead, issues may be recorded and referred to the proper staff person for follow-up. No action will be taken by the board without fully reviewing all available information.
Public Records
Our district strives to make all records public, unless exempt in accordance with Idaho Code Title 74, Chapter 1, Sections 74-103 and FERPA regulations and guidelines. This information is updated monthly, or as required. All public information must be submitted in accordance with Idaho Code 74-102.
You will need to contact the High School you graduated from and request your transcript